Mapping Pro - FAQ
Written by Jae Lim
Updated over a week ago

Q: Can it integrate with SharePoint?

A: Currently, you can embed links to Flowingly process maps within any of your SharePoint sites - however, this will require users to have access to Flowingly to open those links. Soon, we will release a feature that allows you to embed maps directly into SharePoint so that even users without access will be able to view those maps.

Q: How does Mapping Pro transition to your automation product?

A: Process mapping is a great way to break down all of your business processes to understand where the bottlenecks are, what risks they present, and who should be accountable for each component of each process. Automation is a natural progression from process mapping and helps you achieve greater levels of compliance and productivity. Flowingly's all-in-one modeler helps make this transition seamless.

Q: What do you think of Swimlanes?

A: We support them as part of our process mapping offering. However, we do believe that they are a somewhat dated solution to a problem that is still very much relevant. While swimlanes do clearly highlight the different levels of accountability in a process, they can disrupt the viewing experience quite a lot. We are currently thinking of more modern ways to resolve this problem, so watch this space!

Q: Can you share maps outside of organizations?

A: Yes, you can export them as PDF files to be shared with anyone outside of the organization. Also, we will enable the ability to share maps without downloading them as part of an upcoming release.

Q: Do you support importing process maps from different providers?

A: Yes, we do. Whether or not the data you currently have can be imported will largely depend on the format that it has been exported to, and the hierarchy of the process maps. Click here to learn more.

Q: Do you use BPMN? If not, which methodology do you adhere to?

A: Our modeling architecture is based loosely on BPMN, but it has been simplified to make it much more accessible. We have done this to enable continuous process improvement for all business units in a rapid fashion.

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