Using Step Rules
Written by Aaran Mercer
Updated over a week ago

Using workflow automation, Rules enable you to automatically assign a user to a following Step to action. You can have single or multiple Rules in a Step, and have multiple Steps with Rules in your workflow process.

You must use Rules with either a:

  • Custom database User column

  • User database 'Email' column

  • Teams database 'Team Name' column.

Other must knows for creating Rules:

  • Multiple Rules can be used in a single Step

  • Rules must be applied to following Steps in the process

  • This following Step must be assigned to a Dynamic Actor from a database

  • Use your database with either a Dropdown or Lookup as the Form Field to enable your Rule.

Rules are created using an IF and THEN statement

The IF statement has two parts:

  • The Condition corresponds to your selected database

  • The Form Field is linked to either a Dropdown or Lookup form field type

The THEN statement has two parts:

  • The EVENT to select the Dynamic Actor from your database


  • Action a following STEP

For example: A user wants to Submit an Enquiry as a Step.

  • The user selects a Region Manager from a Dropdown field

  • The Region Manager selected will Respond to the Enquiry in the following Step.

Creating a Rule using a dropdown list:

Emma wants to create the Rule, that when a user Submits an Enquiry, then selects a Region Manager from a dropdown field, that Region Manager will Respond to the Enquiry in the following Step.


  • Emma has created a custom database with a column of users called Region Manager

  • There is also a column called Region, associated with each Region Manager (see Lookups below)

  • A Dropdown field named Region Manager has been added to the Submit Enquiry step

  • The Dropdown field is pointing to the Region Manager database

  • The Region Manager database of users can be selected from this dropdown

To Enable this Rule:

  1. Select Submit Enquiry

  2. Selects Rules

  3. Selects Enable this Rule

  4. Gives the Rule Name a description

5. Leaves the If Condition default as If the below field returns a single User value

6. Leaves the Then Event as the default

7. Selects the Step Respond to Enquiry for the assigned Region Manager to action

8. Click Save at the right of your screen

You've now enabled the Rule!

Remember to assign a Dynamic Actor Step to Respond to the Enquiry.

Using a Lookup field for a Rule:

You can apply Rules to a Lookup field like you can a Dropdown field.

A Lookup field is used to autofill information from your custom database list.

A lookup queries the Dropdown field selection in your current Step, and autofills your Lookup field with information from this same custom database.

For example:

In your Region Manager database, there is both a Region Manager and a Region column for that Region Manager.

Emma wants to use a Lookup field to autofill the Region name, when the Region Manager is selected from the Region Manager dropdown list.

When creating a Rule, you can now have the option to select from both the Dropdown field and Lookup field to apply your Rule.

For further information on Lookup fields, see Adding form fields to your process.

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