Written by Colin Little
Updated over a week ago

A Decision allows a Flow to choose between two or more specified Paths based on user input from a previous Task.

Before configuring the Decision please ensure:

A preceding connected Task has a Form Field that can be used in a Decision. These types are:

  • Dropdown and Option lists

  • Checkboxes

  • Number and Currency fields

The Decision Task has at least two subsequent Tasks or Decision gateways connected to it.

Configure Decision:

  1. Select the Decision field from the drop down.

  2. Configure your conditions. 

Keep in mind that:

  • The ordering of the condition list is the order in which they will be evaluated.

  • The top Task condition will be evaluated first.

  • The Default Task will always move to the bottom and will be evaluated last.

  • Exactly one path will execute, this will be the first condition that evaluates to true.

  • If no conditions are evaluated as true, the Default Path will be taken.

Decision Naming

You have the ability to name both the Decision Gateway itself and also label the outgoing paths.

Multiple values per Decision Path

If a Decision uses a Dropdown list or Option list as the Decision field, you can assign multiple values to a single Path.

Advanced Decision capabilities

  1. Select fields from any previous Task for your Decision. As well as choosing the Decision field you can also choose any previous Task (not just the Task immediately prior) to configure your Decision. For more information on using previous Tasks for Decisions see

  2. Complex Decisions. You can chain Decision gateways together to handle more complex routing requirements. See for more details on Complex Decisions.

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