Parallel Paths

How to use parallel paths in Flowingly

Written by Colin Little
Updated over a week ago

Parallel path flow model set-up

In the modeler there are two nodes that are used to set-up parallel paths. The first is called 'diverge', used to create two or more paths in your flow. The second is called 'merge', used to bring two or more paths back into one.

To set-up a diverge, there must be one connector going in and two or more going out. For example, three connectors leaving the diverge will create three parallel paths. Conversely, to set-up a merge requires two or more connectors going in and one going out. The flow model below shows three parallel paths being created in the flow model, and then being merged back together.

Note: Diverge and Merge must be used in unison, you cannot use a Merge without first having a Diverge etc.

Running flows with parallel paths:

A flow with parallel paths is started and run like any other flow. The only difference will be when a flow has two or more current steps.ย 

The flow below has three current steps. The flow history is shown on the left, while the three current steps are shown on the right. A user can select what step to display by clicking on one of these steps. If the step is waiting on the user to complete, the form will be displayed for them to act on, otherwise, the just step name and status will be displayed.

All steps in a parallel path must be completed before the flow can progress.

The selected current step will be highlighted in Blue on the diagram displayed in the Flow Modal tab.

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