Adding form fields to your process

Use Step Builder to create forms on any of your steps and tasks

Written by Colin Little
Updated over a week ago

Clicking any Step in your process will open the Flowingly Step Builder.

The step builder is split into two tabs that allow you to configure options and add fields.

  1. Details: this tab allows you to name your step, choose a type (Task or Approval), choose who the step will be assigned to and provide a step deadline in hours or days.

  2. Form: this tab is where you create the form card that will display to a user(s) assigned to the step. It defaults to a preview of your existing card. Click the green Design button to create or modify your card.

How to use the Step Builder

  1. Drag a field type (or use the green + button) from the list on the right onto your form. The field will be added to the bottom.

  2. Re-order your fields using the up (▲) and down (▼) buttons.

  3. Click the config (⚙) button to set Properties (name/label) and configure Options (what is in your lists).

Field types

For a regular task the following fields can be added.

Logo: Implement consistent branding across all of your organization's flows using the Logo section. More information on this form field in this article.

Short text: allows a single line of text to be entered.

Long text: allows longer text with formatting to be entered.

File upload: allow any file up to 10MB to be uploaded. You can either click on 'Upload File' or drag and drop a file that you'd like to upload.

Table: allows multiple columns to be defined using other fields (Text, Currency, Number, File Upload, Date) /

When the flow is run, the user can add as many rows as required by clicking Add Row.

Currency and number fields are automatically summed at the bottom of the table. The summed value(s) are available for use in subsequent decision gateways, custom emails and to populate data fields in other steps.

Dropdown list: allows selection of one item from a number of options in a list.

Option list: allows selection of one item from a number of options.

Check box: a box to be ticked. Useful for ensuring someone has read something, eg. Terms & Conditions or for routing a step, eg. send to Human Resources rather than my manager.

Task list: allows a number of tasks to be defined which must be checked for the process to progress.

Multi-selection list: allows the user to choose any combination of the available options.

Currency: validates that any text entered is a number and adds a dollar symbol.

Email: checks for a valid email address containing an @ symbol and domain name.

Number: validates that any text entered is a number.

Date: allow the user to choose a date from the calendar.

Date Time: allow the user to type or choose a date & time from the calendar.

Signature: allow the user to sign their signature.

Instruction: Add additional content (text, images, video, previously captured step data, etc.) to steps, helping your users complete steps in your flow. 

Instruction fields can be used to include SOP, policy documentation etc. in steps. Combine instruction fields with signatures and let people sign documents online and digitally transform how you manage documents in your business.

Optionally, you can show Instruction information in completed steps by toggling "Display Instruction text in completed steps in Runner".

Use the Add Variable option to include in the Instruction field, data that was captured in previous step fields. This could for example help with highlighting important data that was captured early on in a long flow, for example a customer's name, email address, or order number. In general the Add Variable option is designed to help you create meaningful forms with dynamically changing header footers etc.

Clicking on the Add Variable button provides a list of available Fields. Flow Attribute Fields are global, and include details on the Flow, the Initiator, Status, Due Date and other data. A section in the Variables list is available for each Step, which can be expanded to show the Step Fields available to be inserted into the Instruction field. Clicking on a variable will inset it into the Instruction text in curly brackets { }. This text can be copied and pasted if desired, however do not modify the Variable name.

Attach Documents: Attach a file to a step.

Attach Documents fields can be used to provide users with documents necessary to complete the step assigned to them.

Approval rule: The user must Approve or Reject to be able to progress the process. If the step is rejected the process ends. Note: an Approval field will be added when the Task Type is set to Approval 

Formula: Formula fields allow you to calculate numbers or concatenate text, using values entered in other Form fields in the step.

For numerical values, the following operations can be used:

  • + Addition

  • - Subtraction

  • / Division

  • *Multiplication

  • ( ) Brackets

Text values can be concatenated (joined) using + Plus.

Formulas are structured in a similar manner to those in spreadsheets, so each formula begins with = equals, followed by the expression. As you build the formula, a drop down will show the applicable operators or fields that you can insert into the formula.

Lookup Field: Lookup a previous field within a step or display information from a database based on another field within a task

Lookup fields can also display information from a database based on another field within a task. To configure a Lookup field:

  1. Choose a Display name as you would any other field to give it a label

  2. Select which Database it should lookup from the dropdown list

  3. Choose the previous field within the task that contains the value to lookup.

  4. Choose the query column - this is the database column that contains the value chosen in step (3)

  5. Choose the display column - this is the value that will be displayed in the lookup field.

Setting Default Values for Fields

It is possible to configure default values for the following Field types:

  • Short Text

  • Long Text

  • Dropdown List

  • Table

  • Option List

  • Check Box

  • Multi-selection List

  • Currency

  • Email

  • Number

  • Date

  • Date Time

Default Values can either be fixed, where the value is defined when the Flow Model is created, or can be set to a previous value that was captured earlier in the flow. 

To configure a Default Value, select the option required, and either enter the desired value/text, or select the previous step and field name that you wish to take the default value from.

In addition to using default values from previous fields, Date and Date/Time fields can also be configured to be automatically set to the current date/time when the flow is run.

Custom Validation

Validation can be set for certain form fields. This allows you to specify the desired input you require for these fields, such as requiring a flow runner to enter a value greater than your number of choice in a Currency field.

You can also use other form fields to set the validation rules, such as having both a start and an end date field, with the end date having validation that specifies it must be later than the start date.

You can also enter a custom error message to be displayed, allowing you more control over what your flow runners will see if they enter in the incorrect value.

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