Complex Decisions
Written by Colin Little
Updated over a week ago

A Complex Decision allows multiple Decision Gateways to be connected together to facilitate more complex routing.

Configure Multiple Decisions:

  • Multiple Decision gateways are configured in the same way as a single Decision, however instead of linking one or more of the Decision Gateways to subsequent tasks, they can be linked to another Decision Gateway.

  • Configure each Decision Gateway by selecting the required Decision Field and conditions. Instead of selecting a target Step to go to, select the next Decision Gateway.

Before configuring the Decision Gateways please ensure:

At least one preceding Step has a Form Field that can be used in a Decision. These types are:

  • Dropdown and Option lists

  • Checkboxes

  • Number and Currency fields

The Decision can be taken from any previous Step in the Flow, but each Decision Gateway can have only one input source.

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