Written by Colin Little
Updated over a week ago

Custom Databases allow Business Administrators within your Flowingly account to add data for use within Flows.

Create a database

Business Admins can create a database as follows:

  1. Within Flowingly go to Setup > Databases then click the green Add Database button.

  2. Enter a name for your database that describes what it will contain

  3. Create a columns and give each a name and data type. Available data types are:

  • Text

  • Number

  • Currency

  • Users - this data type allows Flowingly users to be added to a database. Only active users set up in Flowingly can be added to a Users field.

4. Click Save to create the database

Add, edit or delete database records

  1. From the databases screen click the edit pencil to the right of your database

  2. Add: Click Add New Record and enter the information in each field. If you are adding a record to a User field, a drop down of users will be displayed for you to select a user. If there are a large number of users, you can search by typing part or all of their name.

3. Edit: Click an existing field and change the information

4. Delete: Click the Delete button to the right of any row

Note: to make bulk additions or changes to a database please contact Flowingly.

Use databases within a flow

Databases in dropdown lists

Pre-populate a dropdown list by changing the data source from manual to database. Required configuration:

  1. Select Database: choose which database to look at

  2. Values to Display: choose the column that contains the value you want to display

Optionally configure a filter to limit the options returned:

  1. Column filter: choose the column that contains the value to be evaluated

  2. Operation filter: choose equals or does not equal

  3. Value filter: choose a previous field on the form that contains the value to filter with (such as a Short Text, Option List, Number or Email Field).

Lookup form field

Lookup fields display information from a database based on another field within a task. To configure a Lookup field:

  1. Choose a Display name as you would any other field to give it a label

  2. Select which Database it should lookup from the dropdown list

  3. Choose the previous field within the task that contains the value to lookup.

  4. Choose the query column - this is the database column that contains the value chosen in step (3)

  5. Choose the display column - this is the value that will be displayed in the lookup field.

Database driven dropdown lists and lookup fields can be combined with tables to create powerful combinations. For example you might have a table with a dropdown that allows users to pick from a list of parts, manually input a note then pre-populate dimensions, weight and cost of each part with lookup fields.

Users and teams database

As well as using your own databases, Flowingly can use the in-built Users and Teams databases to populate information about users. For example you could create a dropdown of users in the Human Resources team then lookup fields to populate the selected users contact phone number and job title.

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